Tag: Paris

3 Days to Kill Blu-ray Review

out of 5
With middle-aged Kevin Costner brandishing a gun on the Blu-ray cover, 3 Days to Kill teases a knockoff of Liam Neeson's recent success playing the part of a grizzled older action hero. Instead, this Parisian-set story from Luc Besson takes…  Read More
out of 5

Contest: Win My Week With Marilyn on Blu-ray

 Contest has closed.  On March 13, the film that earned Michelle Williams a Best Actress Academy Award nomination for her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe, My Week With Marilyn, will debut on Blu-ray and DVD. Thanks to The Weinstein Company, I have two copies of the My… Read More

Hugo Blu-ray Review

Over the last twenty or so years, there hasn't been much tinkering done to the formula for making a successful children's movie. Hugo is a film that, likewise, doesn't do anything particularly new or exciting, and yet it captivates nonetheless…  Read More
out of 5

Manhattan Blu-ray Review

There was a time, the 1970s and 80s to be precise, where Woody Allen was easily one of the top two or three American filmmakers around. Despite the occasional misstep (Another Woman, September), Allen's writing and directing output during these…  Read More
out of 5
