Tag: IGN

Second Thor Clip Includes Likely Avenger Cameo

Paramount and Marvel have released a second clip from Thor via IGN that features a muddy battle and a first-look at an Avenger. In this new Thor clip, the God of Thunder encounters a massive S.H.I.E.L.D. guard while trying to retrieve Mjolnir.… Read More

First Batman Arkham City Gameplay Trailer

Rocksteady Games and Warner Bros. Interactive have moved their teases for Batman Arkham Asylum from static images to the video realm. After watching the first gameplay footage below via IGN, you’ll want to congratulate them. The mostly… Read More

Batman: Arkham City Preview Round-Up

Late last week Microsoft let a small group of press watch a rougly 20-minute demo of Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham City game several times. Everyone who was able to soak in Batman’s next adventure came away equally impressed. The… Read More
