Tag: Star Wars Rebels

Star Wars Rebels Comic-Con Trailer Uses the Force

Star Wars Rebels Comic-Con Trailer
The Force is strong with the Star Wars Rebels Comic-Con trailer that was released this evening as the first public screening for the upcoming new Lucasfilm and Disney TV series began in San Diego. Of all the Star Wars Rebels clips and trailers… Read More

Star Wars Rebels Extended Trailer Unites a Team

Star Wars Rebels Extended Trailer
A young boy discovers his destiny when crossing paths with a band of rebels in the Star Wars Rebels extended trailer, conveniently dropped just ahead of the new Lucasfilm and Disney show’s public premiere at Comic-Con in just a few… Read More

Star Wars Rebels Comic-Con Plans and Creation of Chopper

Lucasfilm upcoming Disney XD TV series Star Wars Rebels will be making a big splash at the San Diego Comic-Con in a couple weeks with its own dedicated panel loaded up with the talent and creative minds behind the show. The Star Wars Rebels Comic-Con… Read More

Star Wars Rebels: Meet Zeb and Ezra

With the arrival of Toy Fair and a slew of revealing Star Wars Rebels products from Hasbro and Lego, Lucasfilm Animation and Disney have taken the wraps off two more members of the Ghost and early roots of the rebellion in Zeb and Ezra. Zeb is considered… Read More

Star Wars: Rebels Gets New Villain in The Inquisitor

The Star Wars: Rebels panel at New York Comic-Con delivered a big post-Clone Wars reveal in an all-new villain for the Star Wars cannon who will be known as The Inquisitor. Several new Imperial vehicles and their inspiration were also revealed,… Read More
