Tag: Zoe Saldana

J.J. Abrams Will Direct Star Trek 2

J.J. Abrams has decided to step aboard the Enterprise’s deck again and will direct Star Trek 2 for Paramount Pictures. The news broke last night via Vulture that Abrams had committed to the project and is already well into pre-production… Read More

Box Office Gets No Help From Hurricane Irene

The Help continued its dominance at the North American box office on Friday despite Hurricane Irene forcing evacuations along much of the North Atlantic coastline. The biggest effects on the box office won’t be felt until Saturday… Read More

James Cameron Will Make Avatar 2 and 3 Next

James Cameron has finally made up his mind and will next helm Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 for Fox. Just like that, Sony’s dream of Cameron directing Angelina Jolie in Cleopatra in 2012 has been flushed down the toilet. In an official announcement… Read More
