Tag: COG

New Gears of War Game for Xbox 360 Revealed

The first truly big E3 reveal came today in the form of an all-new Gears of War game for Xbox 360. The game will be featured in the upcoming issue of Game Informer magazine, the cover of which you can see below. It shows a characters, someone (probably… Read More

Gears of War 3 Horde 2.0 Briefing Tutorial

One of the most anticipated features in Gears of War 3 is Horde 2.0 mode. Everyone who has played it has loved it, and Epic Games and Microsoft want to make sure more get the chance to experience it prior to the game’s launch. Xbox and Walmart… Read More

Gears of War 3 Epic and Limited Editions First Look

Microsoft and Epic Games have formally announced that Gears of War 3, like its predecessors, will receive the Limited and Epic Edition treatments for Xbox 360. The Gears of War 3: Limited Edition is priced at $79.99. It includes an Octus Award… Read More
