X06: ‘Project Gotham Racing 4’ in Development for Xbox 360

At the X06 conference in Barcelona, Spain, Microsoft Game Studios confirmed Bizarre Creations has begun development on ‘Project Gotham Racing 4,’ the sequel to Xbox 360’s launch title ‘Project Gotham Racing 3.’

A teaser trailer titled Eclipse was shown with the announcement and is expected to be a free download via the Xbox Live Marketplace in the next week or so. The trailer features a Ferrari racing through a mystical dreamscape. PGR fans wanted more courses and it looks like they’ll be getting more than they bargained for.

Martyn Chudley, Managing Director of Bizarre Creations, added these thoughts: “As you can imagine at Bizarre we’re thrilled to be continuing to grow the Gotham brand for Microsoft and Xbox 360, but this time around we will be really extending the boundaries of both Kudos and Racing, and pushing the game in all new and very exciting directions. Certainly, this will be a true PGR game, but definitely not as you have seen before.”

With an ample supply of racing games flooding Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 over the next year, Bizarre has their work cut out for them if they’re to successfully pull away from the pack.

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