The Dark Knight Rises Gets Stamp of Approval From Gary Oldman

Evidence continues to mount suggesting the script for Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises not only meets The Dark Knight but manages to exceed it.

The latest person inside the production to offer their stamp of approval is Gary Oldman aka newly promoted Commissioner Gordon. In speaking with Collider, Oldman called the story as told to him recently by Nolan “fantastic” and said he thinks it may have topped The Dark Knight.

These comments come after Nolan’s director of photography Wally Pfister praised the film saying it was the perfect bookend to the series and has an opening that will blow our minds. That’s saying a lot after how The Dark Knight opened.

At this stage before filming has commenced, these comments are only fueling the hype that is already out of control. The bar has been set high and Nolan and co. have a lot of work to do if they plan on reaching it.

Source: Collider

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