Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Possibly Delayed on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii

Crafting the most complex and realistic Star Wars game ever has apparently proven to be far more challenging to the folks at LucasArts than expected.

Originally, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was to debut last fall on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii, combined with a massive marketing push including toys, action figures, books, and every other imaginable type of merchandise. As 2007 came to a close, LucasArts officially pushed the title back until Spring 2008, citing the need for additional development for the delay.

Now retailer has updated the street date from this spring to August 26 for all three console versions, while EBGames still shows an April 1 release date. LucasArts has yet to formally comment on the change at Amazon, but we see no reason for Amazon to arbitrarily make up their own dates.

Click here to view pre-order information for The Force Unleashed on Xbox 360 at

Click here to view pre-order information for The Force Unleashed on PS3 at

Click here to view pre-order information for The Force Unleashed on Wii at

Without LucasArts confirmation it is impossible to say whether August is now the official “target” release month or not, despite what date Amazon is now showing. Given the uproar this news is likely to cause in the devoted Star Wars community salivating over a new Star Wars chapter, a formal response from LucasArts should appear sooner rather than later.

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