See the Killzone 3 Teaser Trailer

The first public look at Killzone 3 for PS3 came today when Sony and Guerrilla Games released the official teaser trailer.

The trailer, which is confirmed to be built from in-game assets and not pre-rendered footage, emphasizes the expansion of melee combat which now appears to play more like a game within a game. You won’t simply sneak up on an enemy and whack him with your gun. There will be kill options and resistance from your target.

The real intriguing plot point is in the trailer’s closing moments. Your character (I’m assuming its Tomas “Sev” Sevchenko) knocks the helmet off an Helghast soldier and rather than tossing it aside, he dons it. Speculatively this seems to indicate there will be moments in the game where you can sneak deep into the Helghast ranks disguised as one of their own.

Enjoy the Killzone 3 teaser trailer below and look for more about the game in the very near future.

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