Green Lantern Movie Corps Revealed in Toy Images

Images from the Heroclix line of Green Lantern movie toys have surfaced that were probably meant to be saved until the New York Toy Fair later this month. Their early arrival brings us what could be the first look at a complete or near-complete roster of Green Lantern Corps members that will appear in the film.

Previously unconfirmed Green Lantern Corps members appearing in plastic form below include R-Amey Holl, Ganthet, Boodikka and Salaak. They are joined by Sinestro, Abin Sur, Kilowag, Tomar Re, and of course Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern.

Fueling the argument that these new Corps members will appear in the film is that the known members Heroclix toy designs all match the on-screen versions we’ve already seen in The Green Lantern movie trailer. They may only get a brief cameo, but it’s a good bet these are the Corps members that will be easily recognizable in the film.

Source: SHH Forums

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