Boom Blox Wii Unlockable Cheat Codes

EA’s Boom Blox is fresh off winning Spike TV’s Best Wii Game of 2008 award which should help generate some extra holiday sales.

To celebrate the win, EA is offering up an early Christmas present for Boom Blox owners.

The following cheat codes allow you to unlock all the props, toys and characters in Create Mode, as well as immediately open up every level in the game. These are the penultimate cheats.

  • Pandoras Blox – Unlocks all levels in the game
  • Tool Pool – Unlocks all the toys in Create Mode
  • Nonstop Props – Unlocks all the props in Create Mode
  • Critter Litter – Unlocks all the characters in Create Mode

Each of the cheats is case-sensitive so make sure to enter them exactly as typed above.

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