The Anchorman 2 teaser trailer attached to Paramount’s The Dictator made its way online this morning. As a special unexpected treat, it brought along a friend.
For what I will refer to as the theatrical Anchorman 2 teaser trailer, the San Diego Channel 4 news presenter team of Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell), Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) & Brick Tamland (Steve Carell) & Champ Kind (David Koechner) take turns saying how awesome their next broadcast will be. After Brian makes a crack about “gene creaming,” moron Brick simply reverses the words and says “it’s cream in your jeans.”
Over at Funny or Die, they’ve got an alternate take of the team offering up their thoughts. Each one dishes out a new line, and once again Brick breaks the rhythm with a completely idiotic phrase of his own. I suspect more of these teaser variations are on the way.
The big mystery right now is the whereabouts of Christina Applegate in these teasers. She became Ron’s news partner at the end of Anchorman but is completely absent thus far in the sequel’s marketing efforts.
One thought is her character maybe had a baby and Ron was forced to pull the old team back together. That beats her being written out after being run over by a bus.
Anchorman 2 will deliver the laughs when it arrives in theaters in 2013.