Stephen Amell Addresses Green Arrow in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Rumors

Is Stephen Amell as Green Arrow going to appear in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice? That question has been hanging out there ever since the Man of Steel sequel was first announced with its intention to serve as a bridge into a Justice League movie. Arrow and more specifically Amell fans want to see his Oliver Queen join the DC Cinematic Universe, and finally the actor has spoken out with what appears to be a definitive answer to the big question.

Recently a new rumor popped up suggesting that several DC Comics superheroes would make cameo appearances in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and see their roles expanded upon in the subsequent Justice League film. This happened around the same time Amell promised “big things” would be revealed at Comic-Con via his very active Facebook page.

Fans put two-and-two together and assumed that the Stephen Amell Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice announcement would be made at Comic-Con. It turns out that’s not the case, as least if Amell’s latest statement is taken at face value.

“Hey Guys — I appreciate all the support and enthusiasm, but not everything I post is a cryptic indicator that I’m going to be in Batman V Superman,” Amell wrote last night night. “I’m not going to be in Batman V Superman.”

This post doesn’t mean that Amell is completely off the table to join Justice League. He added a short time later, “As an aside… The next time that I either do a video or an interview with a journalist that I like, I’ll be happy to explain why this is the case. Short form – it’s not a barometer on ability or the quality of genre – TV V Film, no pun intended. Everything here boils down to logistics. In any event… thank you for how much support you’ve showed me. But keep in mind, playing Arrow on television isn’t a consolation prize. We play the definitive versions of our characters in the DC Universe.”

The takeaway here is that Amell is not saying that Warner Bros. and Zack Synder don’t want him to portray Green Arrow on the big screen in Justice League. All he is saying is that he won’t be in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and the reason boils down to logistics, nothing more.

That still means that the big news Amell alluded to for Comic-Con remains unknown. Could he be referring to the debut of Nightwing on The CW’s Arrow? We’ll find out in a few weeks.

Stephen Amell Batman v Superman

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