Paramount Digital Unveils Star Trek Game That Continues Abrams’ Movie

Paramount Digital Entertainment has made their first big pre-E3 announcement by unveiling Star Trek is currently in development and will be coming to Xbox 360, PS3 and the PC in Summer 2012.

Star Trek is being designed as a direct sequel to the 2009 J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot film of the same name. Marianne Krawczyk of God of War fame is penning the original story in collaboration with Bob Orci and Alex Kurtzman, writers of the Star Trek film.

Digital Extremes (BioShock 2, The Darkness II) is handling the game’s development duties and will be working closely with Bad Robot and Damon Lindelof, the latter of whom is helping pen the Star Trek 2 feature film script. That film is due in theaters next summer but a director has yet to be named and production yet to get underway. A fall or winter 2012 release is more likely.

In the Star Trek game, two players can play cooperatively as Kirk and Spock for the first time ever. AAA production values are being promised which you can get a taste of in the first screenshot below (click the thumbnail to enlarge).

We’ll have more on Star Trek next week after we check out the game at E3.

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