First Look: Robin as Playable Character in Batman Arkham City

Warner Bros. Interactive today confirmed that Robin will be a playable character in Batman Arkham City’s Challenge mode and will be available in the Tim Drake Robin expansion pack available exclusively via pre-order from Best Buy for Xbox 360, PS3 or the PC.

Robin will be playable in all the Challenge mode maps as well as two exclusive to the Tim Drake Robin pack: Black Mask Hideout and Freight Train Escape. He’ll have his own unique moves and gadgets as well as two outfits, one a bonus Red Robin character skin.

Below I have a first look at a high resolution black and white render of Robin as he’ll appear in the Challenge mode. Is this along the same lines as what Robin might have looked like in Christopher Nolan’s Batman universe? It’s probably not too far off the mark.

Click the Robin thumbnail image below for a much closer look.

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