Tag: LFE

Free Birds Blu-ray Review

Free Birds takes a clever concept of talking turkeys trying to thwart Thanksgiving and injects it with cookie cutter characterizations and unnecessarily complicated time paradoxes. The final spread is a dish best served warm; cute at times, but can't elevate…  Read More
out of 5

Rush Blu-ray Review

"25 drivers start every season in Formula One, and each year, two of us die. What kind of person does a job like this? Not normal men, for sure. Rebels, lunatics, dreamers... people who are desperate to make a mark…  Read More
out of 5

The Hunger Games Blu-ray Review

The Hunger Games accomplished what Twilight could not. It transcended the bounds of "young adult" entertainment and became a cultural phenomenon across a wide swath of demographics. It was a joy to see theatrically, and even better the second time…  Read More
out of 5

John Carter Blu-ray 3D Review

out of 5
John Carter is a fittingly bland name for Disney's equally bland big budget actioner. It's a film whose premise, based on the Barsoom series of books penned by Edgar Rice Burroughs between 1912 and 1943, is past its time, borrowed…  Read More
out of 5

Mars Needs Moms Blu-ray 3D Review

Disney and Robert Zemeckis' Mars Needs Moms will forever be remembered as the historic box office flop that finally got the acclaimed director to take a step back from his love affair with employing motion-capture in feature films. It's a…  Read More
out of 5

Inception Blu-ray Review

out of 5
Christopher Nolan's latest blockbuster, Inception, centers on Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio). Cobb is an "extractor," a person capable of entering the mind of an individual while they are dreaming. Cobb's talents are best used best by corporations, which hire him…  Read More
out of 5

The Crazies (2010) Blu-ray Review

Ashamedly never having seen George Romero's The Crazies (1973), I lack context to know how Anchor Bay's 2010 remake compares. As a story about small town folk who become lethally unhinged much to the detriment of the "uninfected" forced to…  Read More
out of 5
