
Resident Evil 5 PS3, Xbox 360 Review

Those controls. Those unmistakably sluggish and agonizingly difficult controls. Love them or hate them, a Resident Evil game by name is not a Resident Evil game at heart without those damned controls. Never have those controls been more needed to…  Read More
out of 5

Silence of the Lambs Blu-ray Review

Eighteen years after release, Silence of the Lambs (1991) remains a tense enthralling work of art that is successful on both sides of the audience/critic gap and is only the third movie so far in history to take home all…  Read More
out of 5

Amadeus (Director’s Cut) Blu-ray Review

Ah, the extended, restored or director's cut. Once a practice performed on films that actually needed it, the revised edition of a motion picture became both commonplace and a cash cow after George Lucas raked in several hundred million dollars…  Read More
out of 5

Punisher: War Zone Blu-ray Review

By his very name "The Punisher" should be an unrelenting, unforgiving figure who does not let anyone or anything, much less the "law," stand between him and eradicating the filth and scum of society. In the previous two theatrical adaptations…  Read More
out of 5

Be Kind Rewind Blu-ray Review

It was with trepidation that I recently viewed Be Kind Rewind (2008). While I utterly adore director Michel Gondry's surreal fantasy romance Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), his follow-ups (Dave Chappelle's Block Party, the Science of Sleep) have been…  Read More
out of 5

Let the Right One In Blu-ray Review

There are no fangs grimacing or droplets of blood smeared across the Blu-ray Disc box art for Let the Right One In because it is not your typical vampire film. It's not quite a traditional "horror" or "romance," either. It…  Read More
out of 5

Transporter 3 Blu-ray Review

A serviceable Transporter sequel honors the original with one or more creative Hong Kong-inspired fight sequences, thrilling car stunts and Frank Martin strictly obeying his three rules that define his character's personality as much as the tailored black suits he…  Read More
out of 5

Zack and Miri Make A Porno Blu-ray Review

Fans have come to expect some clever but often juvenile humor, pop culture references and friendly buddy moments from Kevin Smith, and the director's latest effort, Zack and Miri Make A Porno (2008), delivers all that and more. Considering some…  Read More
out of 5

Killzone 2 PS3 Review

While entrenched in the first third of Killzone 2's campaign a simple yet profound conclusion smacked me in the face. No matter the circumstances or gallons of blood spilled, every violent skirmish in a long string of skirmishes felt like…  Read More
out of 5

Street Fighter IV PS3, Xbox 360 Review

Capcom's Street Fighter is one of the world's most recognized fighting game franchises and has held a special place in gamers' hearts for over 20 years. When a new installment comes down the pipe, as when Street Fighter IV (or…  Read More
out of 5
