Xbox One Reveal Rocks Internet and TV Ratings

Xbox One Reveal Rocks Internet and TV RatingsMicrosoft unveiled Xbox One last week as millions tuned in to see what direction the company would take with their next generation gaming console. The reveal ultimately prompted more questions than it answered, but if viewership numbers are any indication, anticipation in the device’s reveal was pushing record territory.

According to Microsoft, 8.45 million people around the globe tuned in to stream the Xbox One reveal within 24 hours of the event’s live stream. Microsoft is calling it one of “the top-most concurrent streamed events of all time,” which isn’t hard to imagine considering the Internet savvy demo the Xbox One is targeted at.

Viewership also reached new heights at where almost three times as many people concurrently streamed it than any previous live event. Per Akamai, Microsoft’s streaming partner, the Xbox One reveal was one of the most watched live broadcasts in their history.

The Xbox One event was also televised live on cable television via Spike TV. Per Nielson, it drew around 1.73 million viewers and was the number one show in the 18-34 male demo for the 10am time slot on May 21. Most males in that demo should be working at 10am so the demo dominance isn’t at all surprising.

To conclude their ratings announcement, Microsoft casually addressed the swelling questions and concerns raised about Xbox One following the reveal event by once again deflecting any inquiry.

“With so much interest in Xbox One, we know there are unanswered questions and a desire for more information on Xbox One. We have many exciting weeks ahead where we will provide more information – including E3, which is just 15 days away. Stay tuned.”

The translation to that statement is that Microsoft will address some of the Xbox One questions at E3, but others will have to wait. I suspect the answers left off the table are the ones most prone to triggering further outrage amongst the gaming community.

Source: Microsoft

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