Wii U Pre-Order Live at Gamestop

Wii U Pre-Order Live at GamestopGamestop has quickly jumped into the Nintendo Wii U pre-order craze by offering both the basic and deluxe Wii U packages.

As I previously reported, the Wii U basic package is priced at $299.99 and includes an 8GB console, GamePad, and cables. The deluxe set is priced $50 more at $349.99 but comes with a 32GB hard drive, stands, a GamePad charger, and the NintendoLand game.

The downside to a Gamestop pre-order are the shipping costs. I went through the motions and the cheapest shipping is $12.49 and that’s 5-10 days delivery from the November 18 release date. Toss in tax and you’re looking at close to $400 and not receiving the Wii U until almost December. If you want it faster then expect to pay upward of $20 for shipping.

I’m personally holding out for Amazon.com.

Pre-order a Wii U at Gamestop

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