Wet And Wild; New ‘F1:CE’ Playstation 3 Screenshots

The recent new Playstation 3 game drought is on the verge of extinction thanks to a handful of upcoming games including Sony’s own first party release, ‘Formula One: Championship Edition.’ Due in stores early next week, the racer hopes to take advantage of PS3’s processing power and deliver the most realistic F1 visceral experience to-date.

In conjunction with the release, Sony has passed along a series of screenshots revealing how weather will affect keeping cars on the track. Most racing games take slick driving conditions into consideration through steering physics and handling; however, ‘F1:CE’ ups the ante with pounding rain capable of blurring a driver’s vision. Does it succeed? You’ll have to tune in early Monday for our full review to find out. In the meantime, enjoy the new screens and look for another batch tomorrow.

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