Watch The Amazing 2 New Year’s Eve Trailer with Electro Attacking Times Square

Watch The Amazing 2 New Year's Eve Trailer with Electro Attacking Times SquareEvery year on New Year’s Eve as the clock counts down to midnight and the ball begins its slow drop, thousands of visitors and locales crowd themselves into Times Square to witness and celebrate the annual event no matter how low the thermostat drops. As it turns out, Sony’s upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has a major action set-piece set during New Year’s Eve in Times Square, presenting the studio’s marketing team a perfect opportunity to unspool some all-new footage as we ring in the New Year.

Sony’s new Times Square-themed The Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer runs roughly a minute long and is prefaced by the legendary Stan Lee providing an energetic introduction. The man looks fantastic for 91 years old. We can all only wish to live that long, much less be as engaged and fit as Stan the Man.

There’s a mix of all-new and recycled footage in the new The Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer as Electro (Jamie Foxx) shows up during the New Year’s Eve Times Square celebration to provide his own kind of shock to the proceedings. The police are onto the disguised villain as he sends electricity into a large conduit, and then all hell eventually breaks loose.

Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) shows up to deliver a great line, “Yo, Sparkles,” then engages Electro in combat and defense of the many civilians and police officers caught up in the conflict. I’m sure the visual effects will draw the ire of the Internet with Spidey swinging around and blue electricity being spewed about, but I think it looks pretty good and indicative of what Spider-Man vs Electro in the dead of night at Times Square might look like.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is set for release on May 2 with an all-new trailer or extended TV spot set to debut during the Super Bowl in early February.

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