Vin Diesel Up-Close in Yet Another Riddick 3 Image

Vin Diesel Up-Close in Yet Another Riddick 3 ImageVin Diesel continues to blaze a trail on Facebook, offering up yet another image from the third Riddick film that is currently in production.

While the previous images Vin has shared show him in costume and standing on an uninteresting portion of the set, this image zooms in on the Furyan as he adjust his signature goggles. If you look closely, you’ll notice Riddick is pretty beat up with huge gashes on his head and blood smeared around his nose and hands. Diesel and writer/director David Twohy promised a return to the R-rated roots of Pitch Black and it looks like they’re living up to that promise.

Riddick 3 (a working title) stars Vin Diesel as Riddick, Karl Urban as Vaako and Katee Sackoff as Dahl. It will arrive in theaters sometime in 2013.

Here’s another Riddick 3 image of the Furyan with knives in hand, and yet another showing Diesel in Riddick armor.

Vin Diesel Up-Close in Yet Another Riddick 3 Image

Source: Facebook

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