Twohy and Diesel Want R-Rated Riddick Return

Bloody-Disgusting got David Twohy on the phone yesterday and managed to get the filmmaker to open up about his plans for bringing Riddick back to the big screen.

“I’ve sketched out two ideas for continuing Riddick, one of which Vin and I have settled in on,” Twohy told the site. “At the studio level, it would have to be a PG-13 movie again and we don’t want to do that again. We want an R, so we are looking at the possibility of setting it up as an independent movie and selling it territory by territory and thereby keeping an ownership stake in the movie. But we’re trying to see what that would yield in this unsafe market…”

At this time it is a number’s game for Twohy and Diesel. If, and only if their complex financial formulas make sense will they move forward with another Riddick film.

Assuming the pieces fall into place, the next Riddick could begin shooting as early as next summer. Twohy confirmed Diesel is shooting the next xXx staring in January but would be free immediately afterward to begin Riddick.

I am all for Riddick returning in an R-rated setting. He is my personal favorite Diesel character and left unfinished business at the conclusion of The Chronicles of Riddick.

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