Leave it to Rockstar Games to cause controversy in the gaming ranks. As we all wait on pins and needles for the inevitable announcement of a next-gen version of Grand Theft Auto, they throw us a screwball by announcingTable Tennis will be their first title released on Xbox 360 for the bargain price of $39.99 on May 22. That’s the ManRoom sport of ping pong in case you were wondering.
Before you all throw a fit please understand this game is being developed by the Rockstar San Diego studio responsible for Red Dead Revolver and not the team working on Grand Theft Auto. Also think about how fast and furious ping pong can be and how that might translate to a game. This won’t be your pappa’s pong, that’s for certain.
Sam Houser, Founder and Executive Producer of Rockstar Games, adds the following rhetoric:
“Our goal was to create a game that is perfectly addictive in its focused simplicity, a game that showcases the true possibilities of a next gen experience, not just in looks but in feel and pace. We wanted to use the power of the new hardware and the resolution of new televisions to give the game an immediacy, an intensity and a sense of physicality and reality, resulting in a purer, more visceral experience that simply was not possible previously.” Houser continued, “It is a distillation of game design philosophy, focusing on removing the traditional areas of compromise inherent in managing size and scope and concentrating the hardware’s entire power on one activity, with the aim of doing that better than it’s ever been done before.”