Surprise Box: Prototype 2 Commando Sweater

My friendly neighborhood FedEx driver dropped off a curious and unexpected package from Activision today that was a heck of a lot heavier than a press kit. That can only mean one thing: swag!

Sure enough, cracking open the box revealed a jet black Prototype 2 “Commando Sweater” complete with lightly padded shoulders and elbows. It’s an extra large as freebie gear usually is. But nothing a little controlled dryer action can’t bring down to a more realistic size.

Prototype 2 isn’t due in stores until next year for PS3, Xbox 360 and the PC, and just now the first details are starting to hit courtesy of Game Informer magazine. For the sequel, developer Radical Entertainment is turning the tables and forcing you to hunt down the original game’s protagonist, Alex Mercer, roughly a year after that game’s events. It’s being called a revenge story at its core, one Radical hopes is easy to follow and just as easy to market.

You’ve probably seen the posters already for “Heller vs. Mercer” with Heller referring to the new protagonist, Sgt. James Heller. He’s returned from combat in the Middle East to discover the virus has killed his wife and child. Ultimately Mercer infects Heller with the virus but he survives. If that’s not grounds for revenge then nothing is.

Radical is also looking to simplify the abilities and not throw 20+ new ones in your face with the defeat of a boss character. New abilities will be gradually introduced throughout the game as well as hidden in lairs; underground pockets of enemy breeding grounds that serve as living and breathing collectible treasure chests for new mutations. With a limited number of slots, you’ll have to choose wisely which to accept and carry with you.

There’s still a ways to go in developing Prototype 2 but it’s well on its way. Get the full scoop on art direction, mechanics and more in the April print edition of Game Informer.

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