South Park Finally Getting a Proper Video Game

South Park Finally Getting a Proper Video GameSouth Park: The Game is a reality, and I’m not talking about that overly simplistic Acclaim title from many moons ago (1998 to be precise).

Earlier today, THQ announced plans to release South Park: The Game on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and the PC in the latter half of 2012. The game will be a full-fledged RPG adventure from Obsidian Entertainment, the studio behind the Neverwinter Nights and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic gaming franchises.

Those of you hoping for a different kind of big announcement from Obsidian will be crushed by this news. Everyone else, especially South Park fans, should be enthralled.

South Park creators and masterminds Trey Parker and Matt Stone are writing the game’s script, providing all the voices, and generally overseeing the project – just like they do when producing new episodes for Comedy Central. Details are currently sketchy, but the game is believed to introduce players as a new kid in the town of South Park who must team with all the town’s crazy characters to fend off hilariously frightening threats.

Game Informer followed up THQ’s announcement today by revealing their January cover that features South Park on the front and back. More information about South Park: The Game is promised to be in the issue, due to hit newsstands any day.

Click the Game Informer cover below for a high resolution look.

South Park Finally Getting a Proper Video Game

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