Sony PS4 Interface Skit Suggests Guys Will Find Cute Girls

Sony PS4 Interface Skit Suggests Guys Will Find Cute GirlsNot much has been seen of Sony’s PlayStation 4 menus and interface with games stealing the limelight at last week’s E3. That doesn’t mean Sony isn’t willing to remind us about the PS4 experience, and they’ve done just that with an awkward video skit that seems to promote attracting the opposite sex while playing video games.

Here’s how the video goes down. Will, your typical late-teens gamer with a trashy room and several thousand dollars worth of electronics, is playing Knack on PS4, the least popular PS4 launch day bundle, when he gets stuck at a part that my 5-year old son with minimal gaming experience could navigate. He then seeks out a video that shows a game Sarah, a Taylor-Swift lookalike, has played where this portion of the game is beaten.

Sarah is online via her cell phone and hits up Will because apparently cute girls hitting on random guys over a gaming network is a common occurrence in the next generation. Will flirts along while his pal Brian, we’ll call him “third wheel” since his fitness acumen is nonexistent compared to his svelte co-stars, shows up playing Killzone Shadow Fall. Before you know it Will is seamlessly jumping between Sarah and third wheel, Sarah buys Killzone because Will and third wheel like it, and Will tries to get her to join his “clan” only to have her flirt some more by telling him to instead join hers instead.

The irony of this cheesy skit is not that Sony produced and distributed it, but its release to the masses mere hours before Microsoft ate a humongous helping of humble pie and leveled the playing field with Xbox One versus PS4 with the exception of price. Of all the days to release this.

Don’t expect the video’s poor production and tasteless narrative to affect what’s left of the remaining PS4 pre-orders. Remember that Sony is the same company that left unencrypted personal information including credit cards on their servers that hackers were able to exploit and steal via PlayStation 3. They recovered from that PR nightmare and will surely shrug off the harsh criticism this video is drawing.

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