Skylanders Trap Team E3 Exclusive 2014 Trap Packaging Revealed

Skylanders Trap Team E3 Exclusive 2014 Trap Packaging RevealedToday is the first day of the E3 2014 show at the Los Angeles Convention Center and already the various halls are jam packed with people. Activision will be a popular stop once again as collectors and resellers swarm their booth in hopes of scoring the 2014 E3 exclusive Skylanders Trap Team giveaway item.

This year Activision is breaking the pattern in keeping with the premise of the new Trap Team game. The past two E3s have seen a recolored Skylander handed out. The 2014 giveaway is an exclusive Trap, a Life Trap to be precise, preloaded with the playable villain Riot Shield Shredder that is a repaint of the standard Shredder villain.

Below you will find an image of this E3 Skylander exclusive, formally called the 2014 Event Special Edition Riot Shield Shredder – Life Trap. Note that it doesn’t say “E3” specifically on the card, so chances are strong that this Trap will show up at other events later this year. If that happens then I would certainly not rush to Ebay and overspend on one this week. Let the feeding frenzy die down first.

The packaging being used for this E3 exclusive is not necessarily indicative of how the Skylanders Trap Team Traps will be sold at retail beginning on the game’s October 7 release date. Rumor has it that the Traps will be sold in two-packs, but we’ll have to wait a little longer to find out for sure how Activision intends on packaging them. A blister card with a crystal-like bubble is likely similar to what we’ll ultimately end up with.

Skylanders Trap Team E3 Exclusive 2014 Trap Packaging Revealed

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