Toys for Bob has developed and released numerous special edition Skylanders figures for Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure and Skylanders Giants. None of the retail or convention exclusive figures are likely going to be as hard to acquire as the figure Activision handed out to its employees on Friday in celebration of the holidays.
Activision social media guru Dan Amrich revealed the “Exclusive Employee Edition Holiday 2012” Skylander on his blog yesterday. The figure is a Skylanders Giants Series 2 LightCore Prism Break, repainted Gold and topped off with glittery snow making him truly “silver and gold.”
How many of these rare snow flocked Skylanders were made, you wonder? It’s hard to tell. According to Wikipedia, Activision had 7,700 employees as of 2011. Toss in another 200 or so employees for Toys for Bob that likely also go these and let’s say the production run is around 8,000. This is assuming every Activision employee received one. I have already confirmed that at least one company contracting with Activision did not receive them.
While 8,000 may seem like a lot, the reasoning behind this limited edition Skylander’s existence is what will make him hard to obtain. Activision employees may have been told not to sell them. Or, those that do want to sell them may not want to be responsible for the first ones popping up on Ebay. At the time of this article there is not a single Gold Prism Break on Ebay.
Eventually one of these will appear for sale, somewhere. Good luck to those of you in the hunt for one.

Source: One of Swords