See The Last Airbender Super Bowl Spot

There is no need to wait for the Super Bowl to catch a glimpse of new action from M. Night Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender. The new 30-second spot is already online.

UGO launched the Avatar: The Last Airbender Super Bowl commercial a few moments ago with the completed effects shots producer Frank Marshall said caused this footage to be delayed from December until now. It’s short, but you do get a glimpse of waterbending, earthbending and firebending, as well as Aang reaching the Avatar State prior to whooping some butt.

I must admit, this short glimpse is promising but I can see the finished film dividing audiences between loving and hating it. The Avatar television shows plays to a younger crowd and that silliness is expected to translate to the big screen. It will be no Lord of the Rings, even if the scope of this footage might indicate otherwise.

If you missed them earlier today, check out the latest The Last Airbender character posters that include Jason Rathbone (Twilight).

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