Prometheus Debuts at Comic-Con; First Look Image

Fox finally peeled back a layer of secrecy draped around Ridley Scott’s Prometheus at Comic-Con today with a brief behind-the-scenes video, part of the filmmaking team both on and off-site, and the first official image released to the masses.

Prometheus began as a two-film straight sequel to Scott’s Alien with Jon Spaihts penning the script. At some point a tough creative and/or financial decision was made and Damon Lindelof of Lost fame was brought on board to rewrite Spaihts’ work. During this process Scott was quoted as saying the project had moved away from being an Alien prequel to a new, original idea, but would still contain recognizable “strands of DNA” from the prequel story.

Leaked images from the massive Pinewood Studios set have depicted a world that looks remarkably similar to the interior of the Space Jockey’s derelict spacecraft from Alien and Aliens. Today further evidence that Prometheus will take place in the Alien universe was shared as Lindelof and one of the film’s stars, Charlize Theron, took the stage at Comic-Con.

To help debut the Prometheus Comic-Con featurette, Scott and another of the film’s stars, Noomi Rapace (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo), were patched in via a live feed from Iceland where they are shooting sequences for the film’s opening act. Thanks to /Film’s description we learn of a possibly alien egg(s) sighting in the footage, as well as Michael Fassbender possibly portraying an android ala Bishop. They also describe ship interiors that are cleaner and sleeker than the working-class Nostromo ship from Alien, but still fit within the general design aesthetic and “feel” of those films. Think of them as a cross between Alien, 2001: A Space Odyssey and BioWare’s video game Mass Effect.

Another big revelation was an animated Prometheus title that slowly comes into focus in a similar fashion that Aliendoes. How I’d love to see that right about now.

Those not at the Prometheus panel will have to settle for the following still from the film which Fox released today. It screams Alien universe the same way a Xenomorph does. Maybe Fox will be nice and share some of that behind-the-scenes Comic-Con featurette with the rest of us in the near future.

Click the Prometheus still below to view the high resolution version.

Comic-Con Panel Source: /Film

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