Possible Director for Robert Rodriguez’s Predators

The last time we heard rumblings about Robert Rodriguez’s Predators project, Twentieth Century Fox had fast-tracked the reimagining for a July 7, 2010 release date. I personally have reservations agreeing this date is in fact accurate but for now, there it is.

Robert also confirmed he will not step behind the camera for Predators and will instead co-produce the film. That leaves a big gaping hole: who to trust to direct soldiers against multiple Predators in the woods?

The gang over at Bloody-Disgusting feel confident in reporting a name for the director’s chair front runner. That name is none other than Neil Marshall. Hallelujah!

Neil put the chills back into creepy dark spaces with The Descent, pulled off much more than the budget would indicate in Dog Soldiers, and did an admirable job with Doomsday given the material.

Fox has not signed Neil as of yet but given the short time frame in which to work with, I would not be surprised to hear an official announcement by next week.

If this news pans out, the franchise will be in good hands. Let’s hope the script matches Neil’s talent.

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