Possible Captain America Super Bowl Spot Description

The Captain America: The First Avenger Super Bowl trailer / TV spot is one of the two most anticipated big game reveals for me (the other being J.J. Abrams Super 8). I have my suspicions on how Marvel and Paramount might handle it which are pretty close to the first unconfirmed description that hit the web.

A relatively new member at the SHH Forums claims to have seen the Captain America Super Bowl spot on Saturday and chimed in with a brief description. He explains the spot is just that – a spot – and not a trailer. This makes given the $3 million per 30 seconds being charged for ad time during the big game. Even if this guy made up what he wrote I have a hard time imagining Marvel would spend more than $3 million on a TV ad.

He goes on to claim the spot follows the narrative of Steve Rogers becoming Captain America. There are several quick snippets of action including Chris Evans as Cap waving his shield around (presumably to defend himself as opposed to throwing it), Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter firing a gun, and Cap riding what is described as a “rocket.”

Hugo Weaving apparently makes an appearance as Johann Schmidt but it is pre-Red Skull makeup. The big Red Skull reveal will have to wait, probably until the week of when the first theatrical trailer is released.

If I were handling the Captain America Super Bowl spot then I would have taken 5 of the 30 seconds and began it with the scene from Iron Man 2 where Agent Phil Coulson picks up a prototype Captain America shield and asks where he got it. Stark says something along the lines of “that is exactly what I need.” This would be a perfect segue into Captain America that ties into a face most Super Bowl viewers would recognize: Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. Maybe we’ll see that connection in a future trailer.

You can bet I’ll share the full Captain America: The First Avenger Super Bowl TV Spot shortly after it airs.

Source: SHH Forums

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