New Watchmen Featurette Arrives

In less than three week on January 20, Fox and Warner will hit the courts to determine if Fox’s request to halt the March release of The Watchmen will be granted.

Warner, on the other hand, is doing everything in their power between now and then to continually build up hype on the Internet in anticipation of a March release. The latest evidence is an all-new featurette with director Zack Snyder that further proves Fox and Warner need to kiss and make up so we can get on with what looks like a spectacular show.

This film is destined to make a minimum of $150 million domestically, possibly more internationally, and even more from Blu-ray and DVD which would do either studio little good if the release was delayed and hype allowed to subside. With millions at stake this film really won’t be set back, will it?

Watchmen Exclusive

Hopefully Fox won’t take this featurette to court before you have a chance to see it. Stranger things have happened.

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