New Super Mario 3D and Mario Kart Wii U Game Playable at E3

New Super Mario 3D and Mario Kart Wii U Game Playable at E3The downside to Nintendo’s quick next-gen console launch with Wii U this past November is that the media and gamers will be fixated on the competition’s new consoles at this upcoming E3 in June. As Nintendo raced to be first to market with Wii U, they have announced two big new games that will be playable at E3.

The first game comes from the same team that helped make the original Wii such a success. Nintendo EAD Tokyo, the creators of Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2, are hard at work on a new 3D Mario adventure that will be exclusive to Wii U. If it’s anything like the Galaxy games then it’s a must-see attraction at E3 no matter what Sony and Microsoft bring to the show.

The other game is a new entry in the Mario Kart franchise for Wii U. This was given and it’s hard to imagine Wii U can bring that much more to the franchise than what the last 3DS version did, especially since both systems utilize a second screen. Either way it will be playable at E3 and, I’m guessing here, will be in stores before 2013 is out.

Look for more on these big new Wii U games in the coming months.

– Dan Bradley

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