MotoGP ’06 to ship this May for Xbox 360

THQ today announced in conjunction with their quarterly earnings report that MotoGP ’06 is on target for a May release. This marks yet another racing/driving game amongst an already crowded early 2006 field. At least this entry is of the two-wheeled variety.

“It’s exciting for us to present Xbox 360 owners with the most exhilarating racing experience available and one that genuinely raises the bar of photorealistic gaming,” said Pete Murphy, Global Brand Manager, THQ Inc. “The developer, Climax, has combined an unprecedented level of detail, sense of speed, and the very latest MotoGP season content to create a game that will appeal to MotoGP fans as well as those gamers craving the most thrilling racing experience on Xbox 360.”

“The powerful technology within the Xbox 360 has enabled us to create visual effects that surpass anything that we’ve seen in the racing genre to-date,” stated Jason Avent, Game Director, Climax. “The latest addition to our MotoGP franchise has seen a unique implementation of depth of field within the graphics engine that allows us to simulate different focal lengths. We’re extremely proud of the fact that ultimately, the screenshots will speak for themselves!”

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