Some of the overly dramatic ill will directed at Electronic Arts might subside if a sighting of Mirror’s Edge 2 on EA’s official website that was promptly removed leads to an official announcement at E3 in less than two weeks time.
A Neogaf reader was snooping around EA’s official website using the search tool and stumbled upon a help page for DICE’s Mirror’s Edge 2. To verify the page wasn’t a quirk, the reader tested out several other sequel URL configurations, all of which returned page not found.
This isn’t the first sighting of Mirror’s Edge 2 as the game had been previously spotted on multiple international sites for Xbox One. Those listings, like EA’s help page, were quickly removed. Other rumblings about the game have popped up over the past few years as well.
All signs now point toward E3 delivering the Mirror’s Edge 2 confirmation we’re all hoping it will. The big question now is will the sequel be an Xbox One exclusive, or will it appear on PlayStation 4 as well.

Source: Neogaf