Today Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige took a couple hours out of his hectic schedule to participate in a round table discussion with the media about the upcoming Iron Man 2 Blu-ray Disc and DVD release.
One of the questions Feige chose to answer was in regards to the status of a rumored future Black Widow movie. His willingness to answer it, and even more so his response, caught us all off guard. “We’ve already started discussions with Scarlett about the idea of a solo movie and have begun putting together concepts,” Feige said. “But The Avengers comes first.”
Scarlett Johansson’s performance as The Black Widow, namely her ass-kicking scene at Justin Hammer’s facilities, was a standout moment in the entire film. Her character deserves a chance to take center stage and be explored further than an ensemble film can provide the opportunity for. Looks like Marvel is actively heading down that path.
Black Widow joins Iron Man 3 and Ant-Man as the rumored next Marvel live-action film after The Avengers takes the world by storm in the summer of 2012. Look for Feige’s response to one of our Iron Man 2 Blu-ray questions in our forthcoming Iron Man 2 Blu-ray review.