Rockstar Games has released the next L.A. Noire trailer in their ‘Gameplay Series’ that is designed to highlight specific features you’ll need to take advantage of to succeed.
In playing L.A. Noire you’ll discover that every case begins with a crime scene. Players must thoroughly search and interact with clues including the victim or victim’s corpse to begin their investigation. Some clues may open the next line of inquiry. Others may throw an investigation off track if pursued.
The interrogation and questioning sequences let you decide if the suspect is telling the truth, is doubtful, or is outright telling a lie by calling them out. You can take notes during this time and check back to your notebook for clues as to what other witnesses may have said about the same questions. To gain further ground, you can coax with flattery, threaten with incarceration, or dive into old fashioned fisticuffs.
The more you play and the more experience you earn, you’ll get promotions and intuition points that will let you find evidence at a crime scene a rookie or less seasoned detective may have missed. Depending on how you handle the evidence and interrogations in each case, they can play out very differently.
L.A. Nore is coming to Xbox 360 and the PS3 on May 17. As this trailer proves it’s a game that’s not to be missed.
Click here to pre-order L.A. Noire on either platform at