Grand Theft Auto 5 is a big deal. One needs to look no further than Amazon’s top selling video games chart to see just how big of a deal it is.
Though Amazon has been pre-selling Rockstar’s highly anticipated sequel for many months, pre-orders over the past several days have skyrocketed and pushed GTA5 pre-orders right into the “>top sales position for the Xbox 360 edition. Not to be outdone by much, the PS3 edition of Grand Theft Auto 5 is only one spot back in the second position.
Many gamers, myself included, consider GTA5 to be the pinnacle experience of current generation gaming. It’s drawing more interest than any next-gen game coming out for Xbox One and PS4 in November, a testament to the team at Rockstar and what they are able to accomplish within the limitations of current-gen consoles. If given the opportunity to play one of the next-gen games or GTA5 first, I suspect the majority of gamers would choose the latter.
With a solid week to go before Grand Theft Auto 5 drops into stores, don’t expect either version to budge from its current sales ranking at
Click here to pre-order Grand Theft Auto 5 on Xbox 360 at Amazon with free shipping.
Click here to pre-order Grand Theft Auto 5 on PS3 at Amazon with free shipping.