Grand Theft Auto 5 Confirmed, Trailer in One Week

Grand Theft Auto 5 Confirmed, Trailer in One WeekGrand Theft Auto V (or Grand Theft Auto 5) is real, and will probably be spectacular as well.

Today Rockstar Games updated their official website by replacing it with the logo for the now confirmed upcoming sequel. There’s no release date or additional information about the game. Just the big, familiar logo.

Underneath the logo is a tease of what’s coming next, and that happens to be a trailer release date of November 2 i.e. next Wednesday. Clear a couple minutes from your calendar for the big reveal.

Grand Theft Auto V is the first real opportunity for Nintendo to show they meant business when announcing Wii U earlier this year and claiming it’s been designed with casual and hardcore gamers in mind. Pulling the Grand Theft Auto franchise into their portfolio would send a message that nothing is too “adult” for their new strategy.

I’d rather not think about the backlash Nintendo will receive if Rockstar chose to skip Wii U over for Grand Theft Auto V.

Already the mind is swirling with the possibilities. Will Grand Theft Auto V employ L.A. Noire’s amazing facial animation technology? Where will it be set? And will it include multiple cities in the same game?

Most importantly, will it come out in 2012?

There’s obviously a lot more to this story coming up, so stay tuned and let the Grand Theft Auto V guessing games begin.

Grand Theft Auto 5 Confirmed, Trailer in One Week

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