Gnomes are crafty little buggers in Fable 3, doing everything in their power to remain hidden so you don’t collect them with a bullet from your rifle.
With the help of this nifty guide, you’ll find out how to locate all 50 Gnomes in Fable 3 via either text descriptions or videos pulled from YouTube. Some of the Gnomes are easy to spot as you’re playing along. Others are more well hidden and might require a little help to discover their locations. An achievement and unlockable Legendary Weapon are at stake if you can find all the Gnome collectibles.
Good luck finding all the Gnomes, and be sure to check out our Fable 3 Gold Keys and Doors locations guide, Legendary Weapons locations guide, and Silver Keys locations guide if you need any additional assistance.
1. Leave the dock and follow the beach to the left, looking up at the rock wall face the entire time. Spot the Gnome hanging out high up on the wall.
2. This crafty Gnone is hiding up behind an arch that can be found by entering the city through Shifting Sands, following the path to the left and then passing through the arch.
Bowerstone Castle
1. Head down the stairs into the castle’s kitchen. The Gnome is sitting on a shelf up above the large barrel.
2. Take a stroll through the lower gardens and the Gnome will be found hanging out in a bird path.
3. Enter the Catacombs and hang an immediate right. The Gnome is sitting on the base of a column but you must first become King or Queen to find him.
Bowerstone Industrial
1. Enter the Cesspools and follow the main paht. You’ll stumble into the Gnome hanging out on top of some rubble.
2. This Gnome is at the base of an arched bridge near the entrance to Bowerstone Market.
3. After leaving Bowerstone Market, follow the canal to the last bridge and cross it. An alley will be on the other side and the Gnome in it.
4. Play the quest ‘Animal Liberation’ and find the Gnome locked in an animal cage in the Pie Factory’s first floor.
5. Play the quest ‘One Ring to Find Quest’ and follow the path into the sewers. Hang a left once in, go through a big hole in a wall and find the Gnome up on the ceiling.
Bowerstone Market
1. Search the city wall tower tops and find a Gnome up on one of them.
2. There are wooden steps on a wall near the exit to Bowerstone Industrial. The Gnome is on the wall near the steps’ base.
3. Find the pub and enter the house on the left. Go through the house, into the backyard and then turn around to spot the Gnome on the house’s back side.
Bowerstone Old Quarter
1. This gnome is between a pair of houses with a big red banner hanging, closest the entrance from the lake.
2. Head north from the markets and follow a path to the left. The Gnome is easily spotted near some homes from the path.
Brightwall Village
1. The easiest Gnone whose location is given to you during the ‘Gnomes are Evil’ quest.
2. Head behind the structure called Bumbler’s Gruff and spot the Gnome on some rocks.
3. Circle the outside of Slats’s furniture store and the Gnome will be seen on the chimney.
4. In the The Reliqaury, make your way across the floating platforms, hang a right and the Gnome is on the bottom of the wall.
5. Also in the The Reliquary, exit the large water pool and up the stairs. The Gnome is on the right on the outside of a structure.
1. Follow a path that leads off from the beach area. The Gnome is up on the path.
2. Swim north from the central island and find the Gnome on a smaller island up atop a rock.
Dweller Camp
1. Follow the winding path towards the overlook and the Gnome is impossible to miss.
Mercenary Camp
1. Easy one; spot the water tower in the back of camp and this Gnome is hanging out on top of it.
1. Leave Bowerstone Industrial and look to your left. The Gnome is on some rocks.
2. The Ghone is on top of a couple arches that have been partially destroyed, just on the edge of the big graveyard.
3. Once you gain access to The Ossuary by completing the ‘Bored to Death’ quest and then starting ‘Gone But Not Forgotten,’ you’ll stumble onto a row of 5 tombs while following this quest. The Gnome is between two of them.
2. Exit the long dock at the lake and this Gnome is seen up in some arches to the right.
3. This Gnome is on the wall of Reaver’s Mansion’s grounds.
4. You must first finish the game, then begin the ‘Hobnobbing with Hobbes’ quest that gains you access to Dankwater Cavern. In here the Gnome can be found up to the right from the waterfall.
5. Head up past the location of the previous Gnome and the next will be found up on a path above the falls. He’s literally right next to the path.
Mistpeak Valley
1. There’s a Demon Door here with a frozen waterfall to the right of it. The Gnome is right up on top of the iced waterfall.
2. Turn left after exiting the Monorail Station and follow the path. The Gnome is right beneath a tree that rests behind a short wall.
3. This Gnome is up near a small camp that sits close to the Dweller Camp entrance. He’s right on the edge of a drop-off.
4. In Chillbreath Cavnerns there is a broken bridge. The Gnome is up on a tall pointed rock formation right next to it.
5. Just inside Chillbreath Cavnerns from the entrance near the Demon Door is this Gnome up in some stalactites.
6. In The Hole, right behind the trashed Monorail car.
7. This Gnome is up on the tall arch structure in the arena.
Shifting Sands
1. Leavea Aurora towards the Sands and see the Gnome on a column to the left.
2. Look up in the rocks near the entrance to Sandfall Palace for this Gnome.
3. Pass the purple Auroran Flower after exiting Sandfall Palace and look up on the rocks to the left for this Gnome.
4. The final Gnome here is in the second large room, floating next to your path.
1. Find the entrance to the mine near the settlement and this Gnome is up on a wood brace just to the right.
2. Beyond the cemetery’s only crypt is a wooden tower with a Gnome hanging from the middle of it.
Sunset House
1. This Gnome is outside the right side of the Sunset House, on some rocks.
The Veiled Path
1. After exiting Shifting Sands into the Veiled Path, look up and to the left at the rocks for this Gnome.
2. When the Sentinel fighting starts, look up above an orange Auroran flower for this Gnome.
3. Be on the lookout while climbing the long staircase. This crafy Gnome is up on top of a pillar.
4. In The Enigma, enter the room on the left and then make your way into the room that spawns enemies. The Gnome is back in that room on a half wall.