EA Sports Active for Wii Gaining Traction at Amazon

Nearly a year after Nintendo released the still difficult to find Wii Balance Board and Wii Fit, EA is hoping to stake a claim in the humongous videogame fitness category with the May 19 release of EA Sports Active.

EA unveiled the new franchise last week which confirmed their promise to offer a more serious workout regimen over Wii Fit. Rather than play through random mini-games and workouts, EA Sports Active offers customization with its targeted workouts, more precise results tracking, cooperative play and fitness advice on a regular basis.

Packed into the $60 box are a pair of Nunchuck bands that strap to your leg and resistance bands for your arms. The Balance Board is also compatible with the game but its unknown which workouts it supports at this time.

EA Sports Active has been creeping up the bestsellers charts at Amazon.com since going up for pre-order a week ago. With a slight pricing advantage at $56.99 versus $59.99 and tons of media including videos and images, Amazon is hoping EA Sports Active turns into the next sellout for Nintendo Wii.

Click here to check out or pre-order EA Sports Active for Wii at Amazon.com.

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