E3 2013: Watch Microsoft’s Press Media Briefing Live Online Streaming

E3 2013: Watch Microsoft's Press Media Briefing Live Online StreamingMicrosoft’s big Xbox One a few weeks ago left the gaming industry reeling from the lack of “gaming” news and unwillingness by Microsoft to address concerns about the console’s treatment of DRM and used game sales. Since then, Microsoft has essentially confirmed those DRM and used game sales fears, leaving essentially the gaming content as the last big question mark.

This morning Microsoft E3 2013 press media briefing promises to focus on games. Not television, not music, and not board entertainment. Games. The one thing attendees of E3 are interested in seeing.

That’s not to say that there won’t be some family-geared Kinect games that take up chunks of the presentation. These types of games are crucial to the Xbox One’s broad appeal, much like how they helped make Xbox 360 one of the bestselling video game consoles of the last generation. Core gamers may view them as “evil,” but they are a “necessary evil” in helping push console sales.

What we know Microsoft will show is more information and footage from Remedy Entertainment’s Quantum Break and the racing simulator Forza Motorsport 5, the only two Xbox One exclusives that appeared in the reveal event. We also know the first trailer for Ryse, the once Xbox 360 exclusive from Crytek that has instead made the jump to next-gen, is set to appear. And we also know that Call of Duty Ghosts will be shown in some form.

On the rumored list is EA’s Mirrored Edge 2 which may or may not be an Xbox One exclusive. Anything beyond that is speculation and we’ll have to wait until the event to see what Microsoft has up their sleeve.

The Microsoft E3 2013 press media briefing kicks off at 9:30am PST and can be viewed by visiting here at Xbox.com. It will also be broadcast via Xbox Live as well as on Spike TV.

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