Disney Infinity 2.0 to Include Marvel Avengers Super Heroes

Disney Infinity 2.0 to Include Marvel Avengers Super HeroesWe have entered that time of year when Disney Interactive and Activision will begin announcing the next iterations in the Disney Infinity and Skylanders franchises, respectively. Disney has struck with a big Disney Infinity 2.0 announcement that was never a matter of “if,” but “when.”

With Captain America: The Winter Soldier mopping up the box office right now, Disney Interactive today shared a new video through Marvel.com that confirms super heroes are coming to Disney Infinity 2.0. I am using the name Disney Infinity 2.0 as that’s what the teaser trailer clearly labels the next game as in the closing frames.

Right now all we can do is let our imaginations run wild. Captain America, whose shield is teased in the trailer, seems like a lock for a figure. I’d assume all the core Avengers will probably get the plastic treatment. Anything beyond that remains to be seen.

Look for more on Disney Infinity 2.0>, as well as a big Skylanders 4 announcement, in the coming weeks.


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