Dead Space Extraction Wii Controls Trailer

Visceral Games, the studios behind Electronic Arts’ Dead Space Extraction, has put together a neat promotional trailer demoing the game’s Wii-centric control scheme to the public for the first time.

Where the original Dead Space was built from the ground up for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, Dead Space Extraction was built from scratch exclusively for the Wii. The control scheme was designed to take full advantage of the Wii Nunchuk and Remote.

One such example of designing for the Wii is the “Glow Worm” effect. In true Dead Space fashion, you will enter areas that are pitch black and have to seek light. The “Glow Worm” offers approximately 10-12 seconds of soft glow after shaking the Nunchuk hard. It’s just enough light to get a handle on your surroundings and possibly see what’s about to maul you.

Dead Space Extraction is the second Wii exclusive title this year designed with FPS gamers in the mind. The first, SEGA’s The Conduit, was just released and is proving there’s a market for original adult-targeted games on Wii.

Dead Space Extraction, by the looks of this trailer, is aiming to be the best FPS to hit the Wii yet when it arrives on September 29.

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