Captain America Movie Set Pics with Hayley Atwell, Chris Evans and Explosion

Stars Chris Evans and Hayley Atwell have finally been spotted and photographed on the elaborate Captain America: The First Avenger set in Manchester, United Kingdom where director Joe Johnston is filming what appears to be an action sequence.

As you can see in the pics below, Chris has buffed up big time to play the super soldier who will one day lead The Avengers. He’s also sporting a period hairstyle and had to put in some cardio work to chase a taxi cab as seen in the first video.

Hayley, meanwhile, looks as if her character Peggy Carter is caught up with the wrong crowd. One shot shows her aiming a gun at a car while another shows her on the ground, holding the same gun, with Steve Rogers next to her. Did he just save her life?

The second video is an explosion at a storefront that leaves a vintage car in flames. What a shame, too. It was a nice car.

Source: Captain America Filming Manchester

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