BioShock 2 Big Sister Revealed

2K Games is slowly but surely leaking out tidbits of information and imagery for BioShock 2.

Today a big reveal was made on an upcoming cover for the April issue of Game Informer magazine. We get confirmation and our first glimpse of new baddie “Big Sister.”

The red glowing circle on the new Big Sister matches up perfectly with a viral campaign including historical reports being tracked at There’s Something in the Sea. Several new reports have been added to the site with additional disappearances of small girls from throughout Europe who all look alike, as well as a red glow being seen in the water around the time of the disappearances.

There’s also an image of a kit-bashed doll a child might have made at the site whose parts match the design of the new Big Sister with a little imagination. Perhaps there was a failed kidnapping attempt and the victim was able to build the doll based on her glimpse at the attacker.

We can safely infer that these new Big Sisters kidnapped small girls from their homes, schools or wherever and dragged them back to Rapture.

More so, it raises an important question. Why is the history lesson important to BioShock 2? Will we be playing a sequel or, better yet, a prequel?

Game Informer should enlighten us in the coming weeks. Until then, keep hoping 2K releases BioShock 2 simultaneously on Xbox 360 and PS3.

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