releases 5-to-1 HDMI switcher

When it comes to high-def home entertainment, the new catch term on everyone’s tongue these days is “HDMI”. This all-digital a/v single cable has become the defacto method to hook up a high-def component to a high-def television. Cable/Satellite receivers, Blu-ray, HD-DVD, PC and Playstation 3 all feature HDMI, and more devices are sure to jump on board as its popularity spreads.

But what happens when a television has fewer HDMI inputs than needed? No, you don’t spring for a new one. tackles this cabling conundrum with the swanky Display Magic 5-input HDMI Switcher. It features five HDCP-Compliant HDMI inputs selectable via buttons on the front panel or via a lazy man’s remote control. An equalizing “boosting” output is designed to drive signals further for those instances where a component is relegated to sit in a corner somewhere.

The Display Magic 5-input HDMI Switcher is available now for $349.95 at

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