There are over 100 Borgia flags and 10 feathers collectibles scattered throughout Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. Their locations show up on the in-game map when you’re in close proximity to one and you can even buy maps in the game that point out most of their locations. It’s still easy to miss several of them on your quest to find them all.
This is the first of a two-part text and video guide that show’s you how to find all the flags and feathers in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. It covers the Campagna and Centro Districts in their entirety. The second part, coming in the next few days, will add on the Antico and Vaticano Districts as well as some secret locations. Find them all and you’ll claim the Borgia Cape that adds a little pizazz to your adventures.
You can also check out our Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Glyphs Locations and Puzzles Solutions for a little help in that area.
Campagna District Feathers
Feather 1 – At the beginning of the game, head west towards the border with Centro. The feather is on the church’s northwestern edge.
Feather 2 – Find the barracks where Bartolomeo lives. The tallest tower holds the feather on its top.
Feather 3 – When in the Terme di Diocleziano in the eastern side of Campagna, the feather is in plain sight on the ground in front of a cluster of circular columns.
Centro District Feathers
Feather 1 – This feather is on the western side of the circular Mausoleo di Augusto, toward the top.
Feather 2 – The next feather is on the northern edge of the Pantheon. Access it by first climbing up the building’s south side.
Feather 3 – Stand in front of the Palazzo Senatorio and look up. The feather is right behind the large banner covering most of the building’s facade.
Feather 4 – Locate the large party courtyard with ribbons strung everywhere. The feather is up on top of three attached standing columns.
Campagna District Flags
Flag 1 – Enter Campagna and travel a little east. You’ll spot 2 columns surrounded by trees. The flag is on top of one of the columns.
Flag 2 – Search for 3 very tall columns in ruin, connected at their tops. They tower over a courtyard. The flag is on top of them.
Flag 3 – Head for the church and then look southeast for another trio of ruined columns. Once again the flag is up on top.
Flag 4 – Another column, only this time it’s a single one. Head south from the pigeon coop and look for the column near a farm house.
Flag 5 – While standing on top of the column you just grabbed flag 4 from, look southeast and find number 5 on yet another column.
Flag 6 – Head due west from flag 5 until you hit the wall that divides the Campagna District from the Centro district. Head south along the wall until you spot a row of columns in a farm plot. The flag is on the furthest-most pillar.
Flag 7 – Head back to the church and look southwest. You’ll see the flag on top of yet more columns.
Flag 8 – Go south of where the Carnefice assassination mission took place and spot the acqueduct. The flag is clearly visible on its edge.
Flag 9 – Jump down from the acqueduct and stand on the ledge that’s at its base. Look down below toward the west and you’ll see the next flag.
Flag 10 – An easy one. Up on the roof of the art store.
Flag 11 – Find a courtyard near the border between the Campagna and Centro Districts. The flag is on top of a building that creates the courtyard.
Flag 12 – Get on top of the Mercato di Traiano and look at the roof of each nearby building for this flag.
Flag 13 – Walk around the French military outpost and it is easily spotted on a rooftop.
Flag 14 – Go to the Borgia Tower you’re tasked to destroy during the game and then look up on the courtyard to its north.
Flag 15 – Take a stroll around Borgia Tower’s island and you can’t miss this flag on the water’s edge.
Flag 16 – Another easy one up in the top of Borgia Tower. If you destroy the tower with Bartolomeo and his mercenaries, the flag will be acquired automatically.
Flag 17 – Up on the roof of a church on the southern end of Campagna.
Flag 18 – Since you’re already in the southern end, head west and spot this flag on top of another acqueduct.
Campagna District Flags Part 2
You have to open up this new area of Campagna while playing through the campaign. These flags will not be accessible until you do.
Flag 19 – Once you’re in this new area, find the flag up near the top of the tall Assassin tower.
Flag 20 – Look northeast of the previous flag and see this next one on top of a tower above a small storefront/stall.
Flag 21 – Locate a two-level circular series of arches near the Terme di Diocleziano. The flag is up in the arches.
Flag 22 – Head northwest of the Terme and spot this flag up on top of a collection of columns in ruin.
Flag 23 – Find the blacksmith’s shop and the flag is up on a nearby roof.
Flag 24 – Just outside Castra Praetoria is what appears to be fort defenses with stakes in the ground. Climb up on top of the building next to the entrance to get the flag.
Flag 25 – At the main gate of Castra Praetoria, the flag is up on the right facade.
Flag 26 – Head to the inner center of Castra Praetoria and find the flag up on a southwestern roof.
Centro District Flags
Flag 27 – Across the wall from Campagna church is an alleyway in the Centro District. The flag is about 15 feet up on a jutting beam.
Flag 28 – Head southwest from the first flag and find this one above a doctor’s office, also on a beam.
Flag 29 – Go to the Mausoleo di Augusto then head east. This flag is also up on a beam along one of the streets here.
Flag 30 – Now head towards the wall with Campagna, directly across from a curve in the Campagna acqueduct. The flag is on top of a vine-covered awning.
Flag 31 – Head to the Santa Maria dei Miracoli, then glance down the alleys to the south. The flag is up about 20 feet above one of them.
Flag 32 – This flag is east of the Piazza del Popolo along the waterfront, up on the second story of a building with stairs in front of it.
Flag 33 – Fron the previous flag, take a walk south along the waterfront and be on the lookout for a vine covered awning that has the next flag on top of it.
Flag 34 – Keep heading south along the water until you’re forced to jump between two large bay/picture windows. The flag is in between them.
Flag 35 – Another alley flag, this one southwest of flag 34 and to the west of the church nearby.
Flag 36 – Head northwest of the last flag and find an arched tunnel into an alley. The flag is floating in the alley.
Flag 37 – Jump around the roof of the Rosa in Fiore to find this flag.
Flag 38 – Go southeast from the previous flag and locate a courtyard with a four-story building and alcove just as high. Get to the alcove’s top for the flag.
Flag 39 – About one story up, next to a building that is directly east of the Pantheon.
Flag 40 – Nearby is a big church close to the Centro and Campagna District border. The flag is just southwest of here, up in the arches of a tall alley.
Flag 41 – Head southeast of the previous flag and find the next one right near the Centro and Campagna District border in an alley.
Flag 42 – This flag is right next to a church due west of the previous flag. It’s up between two arches about 2 stories high.
Flag 43 – Go the next church southwest of the previous one. The flag is on the building’s facade on the church’s west side.
Flag 44 – Continue west towards the Tiber and locate the middle bridge. Go out on a terrace facing the water, look back and you’ll see the flag.
Flag 45 – Cross the Tiber and head up the Tiber Island Hideout. The flag is up on the hideout above a doorway.
Flag 46 – Head northwest and find the art shop. The flag is on its backside, facing the water.
Flag 47 – Directly south of the previous flag is an area full of standing columns. The next flag is on top of one of them.
Flag 48 – Go west young man, and locate the Tevere Port underground entrance. To the left of the entrance is the flag.
Flag 49 – Go southwest of the Tevere Port entrance and find more columns with the flag yet again on top of one.
Flag 50 – There’s a blacksmith to the northwest of the previous flag. Head south from his location and find the flag on the upper floor of a crumbling building.
Flag 51 – Head toward Centro’s western edge where you see a large square jutting out on the map. The flag is on a pillar in the southeast part of the square.
Part 2 is in the works and will be online by week’s end.